Crowdrise is now GoFundMeCharity! Same Platform and Features, New Name!

A good GoFundMe Charity page is a crucially important element in reaching your fundraising goals. Below you will find instructions on how to set up your page, how to personalize it to maximize your fundraising efforts, and some sample pages that have brought previous runner’s fundraising success.

Personalizing Your Page


4 Easy Ways To Make Your Page Stand Out

  1. Add a picture (or multiple) of yourself or something interesting or inspiring. You want to capture everyone’s attention quickly.
  2. Add a personal message in the text area. Explain what Team MR8 is and why you are a part of it. Use fun fonts, bold lettering, emotion and even humor.
  3. Keep your personal message simple but meaningful.
  4. Update your page regularly to give people a reason to come back and to ensure that there is always new content for them to share. Think of this page as a blog you can use to keep your donor base engaged. Let them share in your Marathon adventure!

Step by Step Guide

Step 1

From the homepage click on campaigns.

You will be brought to your personal campaigns page. If you have fundraised through CrowdRise before, you will see all of your past campaigns here.

Step 2

Hover over the campaign you want to view/edit. Three buttons will be revealed, click edit.

Step 3

Choose the Fundraising Page option.

Step 4

You are now in the editing portal of your CrowdRise page. Here you can add a personal message to the description, add more pictures, or change your fundraising goal.

Please note when changing your fundraising goal on your page, this does not alter the amount of money you’re responsible for raising (Ex. Charity $7500/Registered $1500 for Boston)

Step 5

In the top right corner, click manage to view who has donated to your campaign. This is where you can and add fundraising/training updates to your page.

Step 5

Click view to view your CrowdRise page and admire your work!

Now share your page with everyone you know!


Bookmark your page on your cell phone. Keep your page handy for those times where you want to pull it up quickly to show someone. Be ready to mention your fundraiser to people in conversation and have your page ready to take that spur of the moment donation.

Sample Pages


Below are some pages by former Team MR8 runners that are great examples of what a successful fundraising page can look like! We encourage you to explore these pages to get ideas on how to make your CrowdRise page the best it can be!